When Should you Cold Tub to get the Maximum Cold Water Therapy Benefits

by Oct 6, 2023

When Should you Cold Tub to get the Maximum Cold Water Therapy Benefits

Many people ask us when is it the best time to Cold Tub? The is a great question and really depends on what benefits of cold-water exposure you are looking for. Some people do an ice bath in the morning and some in the evening. Check out this video to find out when is the best time for you to Cold Tub to maximize the benefits of the cold plunge.

Find out more about what cold water can do for you and how ColdTubs make it easier at ColdTubUtah.com. You can also call us at 801-483-1001 or visit one of our three Arctic Spa stores in Salt Lake, American Fork, and St George.

ColdTub, where Winning is Cool!

Arctic Spas – Salt Lake
2368 S State Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84115

Arctic Spas – American Fork
183 Meadow Lane
American Fork, UT 84003

Arctic Spas – St George
1086 W Red Cliffs Drive
Washington, UT 84078